
Recordly was an iOS and watchOS application born out of journalists’ necessity of spending more time reporting and less on transcribing and navigating long recordings. It harnessed the power of automated speech-to-text technology from IBM Watson, while allowing users to highlight portions of their recordings in real time and add time stamps to the important parts. Users got a fully editable transcript in less than a minute that displayed their marks and was shared in cloud with third parties. 

My role:

1) Ideated 

2) Conducted research interviews with 100+ reporters, writers, and editors to validate the idea and gather feedback. 

3) Defined what the app would do & how it would function.

4) Assisted in creating the design & prototype in InVision, Sketch & Main functionalities -- voice recording, time stamping and highlighting, viewing and navigating transcription, call recording, transcript sharing in cloud, smartwatch functionalities.

5) Created content for all wireframes (functionalities, prompts), tested it with users, and incorporated feedback.

      6) Tested the prototype with a consistent group of 50 media professionals. 

      7) Iterated / Refined the product and redesigning based on feedback. 


      • 2016 Reynolds Journalism Institute Student Tech Competition
      • 2016 national selection for WiSTEM (Women in STEM) in Chicago's 1871
      • 2016 Mid-Missouri Technology Incubator at the Missouri Innovation Center


      • 2016 Next Top Entrepreneur national competition at the University of Georgia
      • 2017 Southeastern Conference (SEC) Student Tech Competition at the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering / Engineering Innovation Institute, and the Warrington College of Business / Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Florida.